
Tuesday 29 December 2015


Natural Name:Azadirachta indica

Regular Name:Vilayati Nim

Neem is a quickly developing tree that can achieve a tallness of 15-20 m (around 50-65 feet),rarely to 35-40 m (115-131 feet). It 
is evergreen yet in extreme dry spell it might shed most or about the greater part of its clears out. The branches are across the board. The genuinely thick crown is roundish or oval and might achieve the width of 15-20 m in old, unattached examples. The (white what's more, fragrant) blooms are masterminded axillary, typically in pretty much hanging panicles which are up to 25 cm (10 in.)long. The inflorescences, which branch up to an exhaustive round of questioning, bear from 150 to 250 blooms. The organic product is a smooth (glabrous) olive-like drupe which differs fit as a fiddle from prolong oval to almost roundish, and when ready are 1.4-2.8 x 1.0-1.5 cm. 

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