
Friday 11 December 2015

Cottage Garden & Fragrant Plants

Fragrant & Decoration Plants

Cottage Garden & Fragrant Plants:

The past few year have seen a great revival of interest in old-fashioned cottage gardens,and plants our grandparents grew.Many of old favorites are available again,as beautiful and fragrant as ever.

      No doubt, in these vexed late years of the century,nostalgia for calmer,more gracious days has played its part and so has the growth of awareness of the importance of heritage.Instead of wanting to"modernist"old houses,more and more people are seeking to preserve and enhance their original character, and the creation of a cottage style garden, such as so many old houses originally had,is part of that.But surely much of the impetus comes from the beauty of the plant themselves.everyone offers a different beauty, and in combination they make a garden that is refreshing  and delightful all through the season.

             If you love flower, then the cottage style is for you;flowers are what the style is all about. Not massed is formal beds of one size and type _annuals here,perennials there,somewhere else_but all mixed and blended as your fancy takes you. The only rule is to have Plenty of them;lining the path to the front door, surrounding the patio;tumbling out of pots;climbing over the veranda and bringing color and scent everywhere.No one flower is essential;if you don't like marigolds, leave them out ; if delphiniums grow poorly for you,substitute  Campanella or blue knowledge grow,your garden will become more and more your own personal creation.

            The one thing you can not do without is scent,  and for that reason  we have included a selection of fragrant shrubs and trees to complement the annuals, perennials and bulbs that make the main part of any cottage garden display. Plant to include them_no garden can do without  the shade and screening, the permanent from and structure  that they supply. As well as their own flowers, they supply green leaves which are always a better backdrop for flowers then fences, brick walls,and concrete.

Plan Carefully
            Remember that you will be doing other things in your garden than just tending(and admiring!) your flowers, and take care with your basic layout. you will want a place to sit in the sun or the shade, the children will want a place to play, and you need paths to get from one part of the garden to other. space will need to be found for the tool shed and compost heap, to put the garbage bin out of site of the neighbours, to hang out the washing. 

              There is no denying that flower take more care than iron-hardy shrubs and even grass It is a matter of what you enjoy doing. If you enjoy tending flowers more than mowing, keep your lawn to the minimum, and expand your plantings and flowers. If you have a hedge(border) and clipping is bores(fools) you, take it out and replace it with fragrant shrubs and perennials which will give you pleasure for your work. you may spend more time in the garden, but you will be enjoying yourself. 

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